- High quality lightweight balance bikes - Football "tyres" provide greater stability and are perfect for bike and scooter training - Soft padded seat providing extra comfort - The seat has an integrated parent handle for parental support when learning - Adjustable saddle height (34cm, 36cm & 38cm) suitable for all size children - Suitable for children from 2-5 years - Dampened steering making it easier to control - Approved child safe handle bars - Easy 15 minutes assembly - Weight approximately 4kg - Dimensions: 90cm X 40cm X 58cm (L x W x H)
Balance bikes are pedal free and don't have the training wheels allowing your child develop the skills necessary to ride a 2 wheel bike with pedals.
Balance bikes were developed a child's balance and coordination by allowing your child to sit and walk or run with the bike by pushing with their feet. If the bikes start to fall your child will instinctively regain his or her balance by using their feet. Once they've gained some momentum and balance control they can lift their feet up as they feel comfortable and start enjoying the ride.